Create SharePoint search


  1. Create a new SharePoint search in the SystemAdministration in the Interfaces section:

  1. Enter the name and confirm with Enter

  2. Configure the SharePoint search in the properties accordingly:




    A trigger can be stored here that triggers the synchronization of the data transferred to SharePoint at regular intervals


    This property is for internal use to bundle triggers and jobs and should not be changed!

    Cron expression

    Here you can enter a time pattern that controls when synchronization is performed automatically.

    Successor job

    Here you can link jobs together. Once the execution of the job has been completed, the successor job referenced here is executed immediately.

    Note: If the successor job is deactivated, it is skipped and the next active successor job in the chain is executed.

    Note: Successor jobs do not require their own trigger or cron expression.

    Executing user

    User that Aeneis uses to determine the data that will be transferred to SharePoint. The objects that are valid for this user are transferred to SharePoint

    BPM Portal

    BPM portal to be referenced by the links generated for SharePoint

    Base URL

    Alternative base URL. Can be used if the URL of the BPM portal is to be modified, e.g. because of a proxy. (URL part before "/BPM" of the portal report)

    SharePoint Server

    SharePoint server to which the content from Aeneis is imported

    List site sub URL

    Here the sub-URL is entered under which the data is synchronized in SharePoint


The SharePoint search in Aeneis is created. It controls when data is transferred to SharePoint. In order to determine what data is transferred, queries and/or report components must be created that define which objects are synchronized and the content of the objects to be transferred to SharePoint.